About Our SEO Team

As for exactly how we do it, well, that’s our secret sauce known to outsiders only as "Amber Colored Dougness". But it starts with a geeky affinity for everything web related. We weave SEO, PPC, social media, and search-optimized design into a thorough and dynamic package that delivers lasting results.

With DougwoodySEO on your side, the best geek minds are in your corner – geeks who get all pumped about search rankings and marketing. We do our secret handshake when our clients reach the first page of the search results. We brag about our "longtail semantic derivative" keywords. We stay ahead of new trends and changes in the industry. We drool over every nugget of tech news. We geek out about search marketing because we love it and that’s why we get top rankings. And that’s what delivers.

In a quick changing and highly competitive world, smart marketers are working tirelessly to build their brands and to turn website clicks into dollar signs.

DougwoodySEO is at the leading-edge of this Internet marketing world. We have a proven strategy for getting companies top search rankings and significantly more traffic and conversions.

We’ve developed a tactical, systematic plan for success that drastically increases our clients’ ROI. They encompass the following search engine marketing services:

- Search Engine Optimization
- Pay-Per-Click Management
- Conversion Optimization
- Social Media Marketing
- Search Optimized Web Design

These services – when executed with our expertise, revolutionary tools, unyielding dedication and rigorous work ethic – are the formula to achieve top rankings that last, coupled with significantly more traffic and sales. We pour over your site and dissect your competitors’. We agonize over the details. Analyze. Scrutinize. Plan. Sometimes we beat our heads against the monitors. And then we go to work and treat each client’s site as if it was our own.

To earn those coveted ranks in the search engines, and to get the most out of your marketing budget, employ DougwoodySEO’s comprehensive services.


Call Dougwoody Today!
